Design, Learning, and Collaboration -- Spring 2007
Gerhard Fischer (
Hal Eden (
Time: Monday and Wednesday 4:00-5:15 pm
Location: Integrated Teaching and Learning Laboratory (ITLL 1B50)
4/30 from Hal
Some notes from Jim on next session (Weds)
This lesson will explore two concepts:
sketch: a rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not intended as a finished work, often consisting of a multitude of overlapping lines. Sketches usually serve quickly to record ideas for later use (source:
activity theory: complex, socially situated phenomena. Activity theory is aimed at understanding the mental capabilities of a single human being, however, it rejects the isolated human being as an adequate unit of analysis, focusing instead on cultural and technical mediation of human activity (excerpts from:
This class will be a "hands-on" exploration in sketching human activities … please visit the assignment page, bring sharp minds and dull pencils!
4/25 from Gerhard
- final questionnaire posted for download: ques-final.doc - deadline: May 8, 10:00am
- Hal posted a "activity preparation" page (on assignment page) for 4/30 –> check it out
- the class meetings (4/30 and 5/2) next week will take place in the L3D lab (check schedule)
- reminder: Presentation of Projects during Exam time: Wed., May 9, 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m –> deadline for posting final reports and presentation slides: May 8, 10:00am
- today (4/25): 3 independent research presentations a 20 minutes and FCQs for Undergraduates
4/18 from Gerhard
- slides for 4/18 have been posted!
- date for final reports for independent research has been changed from 4/18 to Mo, 4/23, 10:00am –> please do NOT be late!
- date for second progress reports for project has been changed from 4/23 to Mo, 4/30, 10:00am –> please do NOT be late!
4/16 from Gerhard
- Assignment 16 for Wed, 4/18 has been posted
- slides for Lecture 4/16 have been posted
- do not forget: pizza after class today
4/11 from Gerhard
- Assignment 15 for Mo, 4/16 has been posted
- Pizza: on Monday after class you are all invited to a "social hour" with Pizza in the L3D lab
4/9 from Gerhard
- it seems that several of you have not differentiated between "Independent Research" and "Project" in your work
- today we will discuss "Projects" in Class
- please post your reports about "Projects" in the Swiki
4/2 from Gerhard - plan for today
- progress report about independent research –> purpose: let the other people in the course know what you have been doing (a stepping stone for the final presentation on April 23 and 25)
- we have 5 teams (design, learning, collaboration (2), integration)
- total time: 75 minutes –> 12 minutes per team including some questions / discussion (this will give us some time for change overs)
- please note: a 2nd progress report was due on 3/21 – please post it asap!
- Assignment 14 for Wed 4/4 has been posted
3/19 from Gerhard
- slides for Lecture 3/19 have been posted
- reading for class on 3/21: Scribbles CSCW06-chris.pdf
- reminder: Monday, 4/2: Progress Reports on Independent Research (presentations by student teams)
3/11 from Gerhard
3/10 from Gerhard –> Feedback on your Independent Research
- I have provided feedback on the teams' pages - check it out
- most teams can develop a better Swiki representation for their project
- all projects are related to each other: I encourage all of you to check out the other teams' pages (and also learn from their respective page organization)
3/9 from Gerhard
- revised/updated schedule has been posted – including time for final presentation meeting (during exam time)
- Assignment 12 for Wed 3/14 has been posted
- slides for Lecture 3/14 have been posted
3/7 from Gerhard
- slides for Lecture 3/7 have been posted
3/5 from Gerhard
- Assignment 11 for Wed 3/7 has been posted
- slides for Lecture 3/5 have been posted
- please check the deadlines associated with "Independent Research" and "Projects" and makes sure that your team's reports are posted by the deadline
3/4 from Gerhard — corrections
summarizers for Assignment 10 are: Jason Held and Jarret Lavallee (and not: Peng Shao Andy Hoffner)
2/27 from Gerhard
- sorry that I missed class yesterday - I got stuck in Washington, DC on Sunday (all flights cancelled based on bad weather)
- reminder: the class will meet in the L3D Lab tomorrow for a guest lecture by Andy Gorman and Jim Sullivan
- homework for Wed, 2/28: please watch the multi-media representation at: — activate link “Load Flash Movie”
- papers for the class meetings on March 5 and March 14 will be distributed tomorrow in class
- Assignment 10 (due: Mo, 3/5) has been posted
- Project Ideas have been posted
2/25 from Hal
- Assignment 9 has been posted for a while (as I mentioned in class last Wednesday)
- reminder: the one-pagers for final projects are due this weds (2/28)
2/19 from Hal
- Assignment 8 for Weds 2/21 has been posted
- notes for today's session are posted here (remember we will meet in DLC 170)
2/14: from Hal/Gerhard
- Assignment 7 for Mon 2/19 has been posted
- slides for Lecture 2/14 have been posted
2/12: from Gerhard:
- slides for Lecture 2/12 have been posted
- Assignment 6 for Wed 2/14 has been posted
2/7: from Gerhard:
- Assignment 5 for Mo, 2/12 has been posted
2/5: from Gerhard:
- Slides for Lecture 2/5 have been posted
- Homework for Wed, 2/7
- study and analyze the pages for "Independent Research" and "Projects" in the Swiki
- think about what YOU want to do and try to identify classmates who might collaborate with you
1/31: from Gerhard:
- Slides for Lecture 1/31 have been posted
- Assignment 4 (due: Mo, 2/5) has been posted
1/29: from Gerhard:
- Slides for Lecture 1/29 have been posted
- Assignment 3 (due: Wed, 1/31) has been posted
- Schedule/Syllabus for the Class has been posted
1/25: from Gerhard:
Swiki entry "Discussion Forum" - This page can and will be used for contributions and discussions by all members of the class
check out the poster of construction kits contributed by Yingdan Huang
1/24: from Gerhard
- Slides for Lectures 1/22 have been posted
- a summary file of all student answers to assignment 1has been posted on the "assignment 1 page"
- Assignment 2 (due: Mo, 1/29) has been posted
1/22: from Gerhard
- Slides for Lectures 1/22 have been posted
- Assignment 1 (due 1/24) has been posted
- email list has been established:
1/17: from Gerhard
Welcome to all of you to the class! I hope it will be a great learning experience!
Things to Do:
- register for the Swiki
- take a look at the slides (see Lecture Material page)
- fill out the questionnaire (see Questionnaire page) and post it in the Swiki by Monday, 1/22, at 10:00am