Assignment 14: User Modeling, Learning on Demand, and HFAs
source: Fischer, G. (2001) "User Modeling in Human-Computer Interaction," User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 11(2), pp. 65-86.
due: Wed, April 4, 10:00am
Briefly discuss the following issues:
1. what did you find
1.1. interesting about the article?
1.2. not interesting about the article?
2. what do you consider the main message of the article?
3. which computer systems have you encountered which have a User Modeling Component?
3.1. Was the User Modeling Component beneficial or detrimental?
3.2. How was the information in the user model accumulated?
3.3. Would a User Modeling Component be feasible and useful for the Swiki environment of our class? which benefits could it provide?
from Gerhard
Peng Shao writes:It is interesting to note that User Modeling goes beyond User Interface design.
here are a few claims to further reflect on this:
Beyond Human-Computer Interaction
- Applying the Macintosh style to poorly designed applications and machines is like trying to put Béarnaise sauce on a hot-dog! (A. Kay)
- If ease of use was the only valid criterion, people would stick to tricycles and never try bicycles. (D. Engelbart)
- Interfaces get into the way. I don't want to focus my energies on an interface. I want to focus on the job. (D. Norman)