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Assignment 8

1) check out the following report:
Aspray, W., Mayadas, F., & Vardi, M. Y. (2006) Globalization and Offshoring of Software - A Report of the ACM Job Migration Task Force,
Available at

please read - this is the summary and overview (you do not need to read the whole report – but you can)!

2) are you concerned about: "the future of computing as a viable field of study and work."
  • if yes: what are your major concerns?
  • did the report address your concerns?

3) what are the issues in the report
  • you most strongly agree with?
  • you most strongly disagree with?

4) name one action which our department should undertake to address your major concerns

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Last modified 23 October 2007 at 1:49 pm by haleden