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Position Papers

  1. The enterprise 2.0 story in Germany so far
    Alexander Richter and Michael Koch

  2. Adapting Web 2.0 to Corporate Reality
    Kristian Tørning

  3. From Livemaps to CoffeeReader: enabling participation and wisdom of crowds in the corporate environment
    Vladimir Soroka and Ido Guy

  4. The Participatory Web and the Socially Resilient Enterprise
    Robert G. Farrell, Wendy A. Kellogg, and John C. Thomas

  5. Revealing the Long Tail in Office Conversations
    Michael J. Brzozowski and Sarita Yardi

  6. Socio-technical Appropriation of Web2.0 for continuing learning on the job
    Thomas Herrmann

  7. Knowledge Creation Inside and Outside the Enterprise: A Case Study of Customer-Initiated Software Development
    Anders I. Mørch, Kathrine A. Nygård and Renate Andersen

  8. Activities, Bluemail, & CoScripter: Sharing and Reusing Work in the Enterprise
    Tara Matthews and John Tang

  9. Designing Effective Support for Collaboration in Business Intelligence Applications
    Davor Cubranic and Kellogg S. Booth

  10. Adoption of Web 2.0 in the Enterprise: Technological Frames of KM Practitioners and Users
    Hiroko Wilensky and David Redmiles

  11. Collaboration and Lessons Learned
    Steve Olshansky

  12. Promoting Social Networks in a large Enterprise
    Wolfgang Prinz, Michael Vonrüden and Thorsten Firzlaff

  13. Understanding the Evolution On-Line Peer-Support Communities
    Andrew Gorman

  14. Expertise-Tagging Game: Growing Expertise Networks in Organizations
    Jun Zhang

  15. Supporting Collaboration in the Enterprise
    Lester J. Holtzblatt

Last modified 5 November 2008 at 3:07 pm by agorman