Assignment 12 is now available. It is due on Monday, 4-Mar.
Assignment 11, related to your two projects, is now available. It is due on Wednesday, 27-Feb.
The Class Schedule has been updated
Assignment 10 is now available. It is due on Monday, 25-Feb.
I have modified your responses to Assignments 7 and 9. At the bottom of your assignment pages are links to the summary for that assignment. The rationale was that you can link from your homeworks directly to the summary for that homework. If people think this is a good (or a bad) idea, please let me know!
Assignment 9 is now available. It is due on Wednesday, 20-Feb.
Assignment 8 is now available. It is due on Monday, 18-Feb.
The Project page has been reorganized and there is now informaton about the independent research project.
Assignment 7 is now available. It is due on Wednesday, 13-Feb.
Assignment 6 is now available. Please be sure to choose and study your role before Monday's class session.
The Class Schedule has been updated. This version supercedes the printed ones you may already have. Note we will NOT meet in the L3D lab tomorrow.
Assignment 5 is now available. It is due on Wednesday, 6-Feb.
You will notice that the links to the left have been reorganized. It was getting difficult to find stuff, so I alphabetized the links. If you have a better idea, please let me know! Also note that the Discussion Forum is now on that list. Thanks, Tomo!
Assignment 4 is now available. It is due on Monday, 4-Feb. This assignment is about the Project, which has also been updated with more information. Check it out!
Assignment 3 is now available. It is due on Wednesday, 30-Jan.
Discussion Forum is under construction.
Discussion Forum is ready. I know its interface is awful. Please post any idea to improve it.
Check out the Project page, which has been updated with some ideas for your semester project. It is probably a good idea to start thinking about your projects soon!
The Lecture Material page has been updated. This is the last time that will be announced. Remember that you can always click on the "Recent Changes" link on the left to see what pages have been updated.
Assignment 2 is now available. It is due on Monday, 28-Jan.
The first questionnaire is available for your reference.
I have created a page on Swiki Basics as a form of quick-reference help on the Swiki. I have also added it to the links on the left so you can get to it at any time.
The Lecture Material and Syllabus pages have been updated. Check it out!
Assignment 1 is now available. It is due on Wednesday, 23-Jan.
If you had your picture taken, it is now in the Faces Gallery. Copy and paste the caption to add to your personal home page in the Swiki! Read the directions here with more info about the Swiki and creating a home page.
You will need to create a user name and password in order to make additions to the swiki. Please visit http://rtt.colorado.edu/~scharffe/reg.html and fill out this form as soon as possible!
The course email list is now available. To subscribe, go to http://www.cs.colorado.edu/mailman/listinfo/dlc2002 and fill out the form. Please join the mailing list as soon as possible!