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How do we create and maintain a community space and the role of artifacts in this?


  • Multidimensional community space
    • from text to multimodal
    • Physical to digital
    • Private to public
    • Uncooked to fully cooked – from exemplars to seeds
    • Individual creativity to collective creativity
  • Tools, artifacts, information, discussion, practices, tutorials, projects, meetings, newsletter
    • Tracking tools

What are successful outcomes for the community space?
  • Extending the community beyond academia
    • International, industry, wide community
    • Attracts new students, academics, and industry participants
  • Extending the description of creativity beyond what academic community can come up with
    • Enhancing unbounded social creativity
  • Aggregation and tracking
    • Aggregate collective knowledge Space that can track how creativity comes about – emerges
  • Extend physical community
    • Traveling projects
    • meetings
  • Well connected with links to and from the wiki to and from other web sites and communities
  • Validation space: Work and research on the wiki could be used to persuade faculty heads/chairs of departments about the value and prestige of these research directions
  • Good common reference space: Useful resource for exemplary work, data sets, research tools, and for explaining and sharing ideas about best practices
  • Good archiving space: extend output tie of work
  • Discussion and collaboration space: Secure, comfortable and inviting space to share half-baked ideas that will grow to fully baked ideas
  • Communications on the wiki would lead to successful, future ‘traditional’ collaborations such as a high-quality journal, annual conference or symposium
  • Industry connections: who is doing what, what are the industry issues, industry posed projects
  • A communal dynamic, reference space

  • Community time, attention and motivation
  • Resources for students/staff for editing and application development
    • Don’t limit funding avenues to NSF; look also to industry, private foundations, etc
  • Successful output filters: A model that does that filtering at the output
    • How to create successful output filters – not only for getting artifacts but producing physical outputs and connections

  1. to create high energy, very interesting, interactive debates: how can we create a place where people will do this? What is the overhead in getting a debate started and maintaining it?
  2. How can it be inviting and also be challenging?
  3. A model that does that filtering at the output
    • How to create successful output filters – not only
  4. Easily leaving crumbs without getting totally engaged or committed, progressive engagement
  5. Crossing physical and digital space

Last modified 20 January 2008 at 1:11 pm by haleden