Doctoral Level Independent Study – CSCI 7900-903
Gerhard Fischer (gerhard@colorado.edu)
Hal Eden (haleden@colorado.edu)
Time: Fall Semester 2006, Wednesday 10:00-10:50am
Location: Integrated Teaching and Learning Laboratory (ITLL 1B50)
12/12 from Gerhard
I uploaded a few slides for the class on Dec 13!
11/27 from Gerhard
postings from
11/15 from Gerhard
- Assignment 9 (due 11/28) is posted
- reminder: 2nd evening meeting in the L3D Lab on 11/27, 7:00pm – Assignment 11 is due Monday, Nov 27, 10am
10/23: from Gerhard
- Assignment 7 (due 10/31) is posted
- slides for meeting 11/1 are posted
please add to YOUR page in the Swiki (in a way that I can easily locate it)
- colloqium (or colloquia) attended
- dates of classes missed (including a reason for it)
- assignments not handed in (including a reason for it)
10/20 from John G
For those who missed the annoucements to the cs-phd list, there are a few fellowship opportunities with upcoming deadlines. Vicki maintains a page with Fellowship Opportunities sorted by deadline month. Note: many of these fellowships are only available to first year students, so apply now :)
10/18: from Gerhard
- Assignment 6 (due 10/24) is posted
- slides for meeting 10/25 are posted
- please come to class on time
10/4: from Gerhard
1) our two long sessions: I would like to schedule them for:
- Wed, Nov 8, 7:00pm - 9:30pm theme: Summarize / Assess / Evaluate / Criticize an Existing PhD Thesis in Computer Science (or “Computer Science and X”) (see Assignment 10)
- Mo, Nov 27, 7:00pm - 9:30pm theme: Write and Post an Abstract for your “Envisioned” PhD Thesis and Present in Class (see Assignment 11)
hopefully these dates will be acceptable to you!
2) important reminder: check Assignment 4 and schedule your interivews with a faculty member ASAP!
3) last, but not least: please come to class ON TIME! we only have 50 minutes and we should not lose too much time at the beginning! And often, I need to make important announcements at the beginning of class
9/17: from Gerhard
sorry that the Swiki was down for some time
- on Wed, 9/20, we will discuss the article by Bill Joy
- homework for: 9/19 –> beef up your profile in "Course Participants" section
- homework for: 9/26: –> Assignment 2
- check out the schedule for the course in "Schedule and Syllabus" section
9/5 -from Gerhard:
please note: the answers to the questionnaire were due
Tuesday, September 5, 2006; 10am on the SWIKI class website http://l3dswiki.cs.colorado.edu:3232/phd-intro
as of 5:00pm, 9/5, I have only received 6 answers! Please submit your answers as soon as possible! Thanks!