This is the Course Announcement Page
Doctoral Level Independent Study – CSCI 7900-903 – Fall 2006
This page describes the high level goals and format of the course. Click here for the Schedule and Syllabus page.
Administration Information
Instructor: Gerhard Fischer
Office: ECOT 737
Office hours: Wednesday 1:30 - 3:00
Class times and location: Wednesday 10:00-10:50am, Integrated Teaching and Learning Laboratory (ITLL 1B50)
Swiki (course environment) :
This course is a one-semester introduction to being a PhD student in computer science at the University of Colorado at Boulder. It will cover topics which will help PhD students succeed (including: writing papers, giving talks, finding a focus for a PhD thesis). The course will be enriched by guest lectures, by a session with advanced graduate studetns, by a demo session and by two mini-symposia (outisde of class time).
The participants will have numerous opportunities to become active contributors (the best way to learn) in this course by doing the assignmetns, interviewing faculty members, analyzing and evaluating papers and existing PhD theses.
Course requirements
There will be assignments throughout the semester. Your grade will be based on your assignments, class participation, symposia presentations, and attendance and assessment of two CS colloquia talks.