Welcome to the Collaboration Team Project Group 2 Page!!
Group Members:
- Tyler DeHaven Brown
- Dave Musson
- Jessica Speir
- Joe Zeles
Initial Project Paper: InitialProjectPaper.doc
Project Proposal: ProposalForProject.doc
CAETE Study: CAETE Study.doc
CAETE Observations Observations.doc
Progress Presentation project presentation 1.ppt
Progress Report Progress Reports.doc
Final Project Report Final Report.doc
Final PresentationFinal presentation.ppt
Initial Project Paper:
Project: Capturing Feedback from Remote Participants
Our team has selected the area of Capturing Feedback from Remote Participants as the topic of our project for this semester. Since we are on the collaboration project team, we plan to collaborate as a team to complete the project. It is common knowledge that more people have the ability to provide their input when remote participation is enabled. We want to focus on the best way to capture and maximize the volume of the participant’s feedback.
Our specific goal for this project is to explore how to motivate people to participate remotely. Motivation is a key element in actually obtaining input from participants so we specifically want to know what motivates people to collaborate on a project. A few objectives we have are determining what technologies and in what social environments a person is most likely to participate. We want to explore what means of remote participation would result in the best collaboration so we will also look at some new technologies, such as wireless systems, which can be used to involve a larger group of people.
A specific challenge will be determining the best way to motivate people to participate remotely. Another challenge is determining how people will best participate. We’d like to determine what means of technology best aides a person to participate without actually being present. We are going to explore different strategies for getting people to participate, what kinds of information can be contributed remotely, and what social situations are necessary to support large-scale collaboration. We will also look into the research already done on voting and chat technologies.
This project relates heavily to the course due to the collaborative aspect. Ideally, a remote participant should be able to interact and provide just as much input as a person physically present during the construction process. This project should yield more information about capturing the feedback from remote participants and motivating people to participate.
Project Proposal
By observation we have determined, remote participants may not contribute as much as physically present participants. Our team would like to explore how these remote participants could be motivated to engage in collaboration more often or as often as those participants who are physically present. Our project is aimed at exploring what motivates remote participants to contribute in collaborative environments.
We plan to distribute several surveys to a broad student population about clickers. The purpose of these surveys will be to gather information about the effectiveness of clickers. Ultimately, our team would like to determine whether or not clickers motivate or demotivate the students to participate in class.
Our hypotheses and rationale, as previously stated, are that a participant is less likely to collaborate as often when he / she is not physically present. Our interest in tuned to this topic because although remote participation can be convenient, it may not be the most efficient means of collaborating with others. We are interested in how to better motivate these participants.
Our project will be referencing the use of clickers, CAETE and the EDC. Clickers will be used to survey the motivation of students to participate. CAETE will be used to determine why students opt to use this distance learning system. Lastly, the EDC will be analyzed to explore how to integrate the contributions of remote participants.