Collaboratorium for Interdisciplinary CreativitySchull, JonathanRochester Institute of Technology The project investigates the effectiveness of a dedicated ITenabled collaboration space, a collaboratorium, for stimulating multidisciplinary research, pedagogy and collaboration. Technologies such as immersive video for teleconferencing/surveillance and Radio Frequency ID tags will create an open yet secure studio and playroom for agile development by students and faculty in multi-disciplinary courses such as “Innovation and Invention in IT” and in extracurricular interdisciplinary projects. The physical wiki so created will be a shared collaborative environment for creation of tools and technologies that can support further creativity and collaboration. It will be a laboratory for investigating how creative multidisciplinary interaction leads to technological innovation, how a technology-enabled environment can attract multidisciplinary collaborators, facilitate their activities and inspire creativity, research, and learning. It will also be a showcase, within the Institute and beyond, of tools and practices used most effectively by participants. Last modified 16 August 2007 at 6:47 am by haleden |