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Wikinomics explains why wikis are successful and shows the processes and dynamics within a wiki. The book also has a chapter open to everyone, which is called Wikinomics Playbook and represented by a wiki.

Online Collaboration Research

  • Motivation and barriers to participation in virtual knowledge-sharing communities of practice, Alexander Ardichvili, Vaughn Page, Tim Wentling. Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 7, Iss. 1; pg. 64, 14 pgs
  • Group Awareness and Self-Presentation in the Information-Exchange Dilemma: An Interactional Approach, Joachim Kimmerle, Ulrike Cress. The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference 2007, Vol. 8; pg. 367, 9pgs
  • A Theoretical Framework of Collaborative Knowledge Building with Wikis - a Systemic and Cognitive Perspective, Ulrike Cress, Joachim Kimmerle. The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference 2007, Vol. 8; pg. 153, 9pgs

Creative Web Collaborations


Wikis at CHI '07

  • WikiNavMap in The ACM Digital Library: Adam Ullman and Judy Kay from the University of Sydney try to create a better understanding of the wiki by expanding visual maps of wikis [like they already exist in wiki-systems like TWiki] to include information about "freshness", "traffic", "connectivity", "ticket-links", and "overview + detail". Their evaluations show that the WikiNavMap is especially helpful for small wikis while the maps tend to become too large to be useful for larger wikis.
  • Finding your way with CampusWiki in The ACM Digital Library: A location-aware wiki developed and tested by a group at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. The location is determined based on their (wi-fi) internet connection, without any additional software, hardware, or effort at the user side. In addition, every user can create their own rating-categories for pages.
  • CAWS in The ACM Digital Library: CAWS is a prototype of a "co-authoring wiki based system [that] aims to improve workspace awareness in order to improve user's response to the document development activity", developed at the University of Southampton. To do so, it offers a way to annotate threaded discussion to a document [similar to the comment feature in word, but with threaded answers and responses to the comments], adds a forum system to each document [a threaded version of mediawiki's "discussion page"], and multiple ways to organize discussion and changes.
  • Visualizing an enterprise Wiki in The ACM Digital Library: Xianghua Ding from the University of California Irvine created a visualization tool especially for large (enterprise) wikis based on real world experiences. The research wiki was a database of research projects at IBM. The developed interactive (stand-alone) tool "CherryTree" allows the user to filter the view and search for keywords and people. It shows not only the "nodes" (wiki-sites) and direct hyper-links between them, but also social connections/links, e.g., projects that are led by the same researcher.

Social Creativity

Last modified 12 December 2007 at 9:55 am by prilla