Mohammad Al-Mutawa

Welcome, my name is Mohammad Al-Mutawa, and just like the rest of the great participants on this Wiki I’m a first year PhD student in the Department of Computer science at the University of Colorado at Boulder (Aug, 2007). In 2000, I graduated from Oregon State University with a double degree in Computer Science and Computer Engineering. In 2001, I started working as a Network Administrator in MTC (the largest Mobile telecommunication company in Kuwait and the Middle East— and very soon In 2005, I was promoted to a Network Administration team Leader, where I was responsible with my team of handling the entire MTC-Kuwait network (LAN, WAN, Wireless, Security, VoIP,…).
Now After being away from school for 7 years I’m very excited to be back. My area of interest is networking, which is not final as I may switch to a different field.
The Picture above shows me (on the left) in my farewell party (June, 30th, 2007)
Mohammad's Questionnaire
Mohammad's Assignment 8
Mohammad's Assignment 10
colloquiums summaries
Mohammad's Assignment 13
Mohammad's Assignment 14