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This is an example homework assignment. You'll notice that there is a text area at the bottom of the page. You can use that area to type your homework response. However, it is probably better to create a separate page with your answer to the homework.

Here's what you should do:

  1. Create a new page for your answer. The convention is to put the homework number, than your user name.
    1. In the text area, I might type something like
      This will create a new page called "hw0-haleden" where I can type my response. The minus sign puts a bullet before the response.
    2. Click the "add to this page" button
    3. If you haven't already, you'll be asked to type your user name and password.
  2. If all goes well, you'll see your new link right above the text area. Your text got added to the bottom of the page. Following your link, there is a button labeled "create"
  3. Press the create button to create a new page
  4. You are now editing your response to the homework assignment. Remember to press return twice between paragraphs. Type anything you'd like, and then click "Save"

That's it! If you have any problems, please send mail to Hal at


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