Project Proposal
With the help of computer-aided multimedia technologies, there are lots of opportunities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of colloboration of individual human mind for reaching a resolution and creating new tools and methods for the complicated problems. One of such fields we are able to apply the new theories and computer technologies is the medical field. Many cases in medical practice are so intriguing and complicated that it become impossible for individual physician to reach a conclusion of the diagnosis. If this happens, the physician usually has to consult with a group of experts with different specialties to make a final diagnosis and plan for the treatment. Most likely, these experts are working at different places. Therefore, creating appropriate strategies of applying computer-aided enviornment to faciliate such a interactions between doctors is an important issue.
Based on the research of Arias and others [Arias et al, 2000] [Abowd, 2001], existance of symmetry of ignorance in dealing with complex problem impose both challenge and opportunity for us to construct a computer-aided environment to share the thoughts of stakeholders and synthesize perspectives of a problem. The Envisonment and Discovery Collaboratory (EDC) has provide a good model on such a issue. However, in the EDC environment, all the participants interact in a physical construction space. This project will focus on capturing freedback from romote participants. I would like to find out the tentative strategies for creating an multimedia-interacting environment to support and encourage all the participants exchange thoughts and collaborate efficiently to solve the complex problem. The restriction of knowledge of individual physician in a complex medical problem provide us a good example of symmetry ignorance. This project will use interaction of physicians in medical practice as an example to address the possible challenges and solutions in remote colloboration. Also, in this project, I will explore how various new technologies such as wireless voice and image communication and PDA would facilitate the exchange and usage of informations to support face-face interaction and decision-making process of spatially separated participants.
1. Arias, E.G, Eden, H., Fischer, G., Gorman, A., & Scharff, E.(2001) "Transcending the individual human mind creating shared understanding through collaboration design"
2. Abowd, G.D & Mynatt, E.D. (2001) "Charting past, present, and future research in ubiquitous computing." Human-Computer Interaction in the New Millennium, ACM Press, New York, pp 513-535