The goal of this page is to have a "lightweight" discussion. You will notice that the bottom of this page has a text area. Anything that you type there will be added to the bottom of the page.
A good convention, as discussed elsewhere is to begin your message with an underscore "_" which makes a line, then your message. Be sure to sign your message, too!
Example message one
Example message two. I can put my user name in stars and link to my Swiki page.
So what do people think? Which is a better discussion system? Is email better than this mechanism?
I sometimes use anonymous BBS because discussions in anonymous are sometimes purely based on arguments, not on names.
I thought that we can try anonymous discussions, but I realized that user names will appear on changes page :-)
This is just a test for lomScope.
Lifelong Learning and symmetry of ignorance
write test from lomMirror