Which "collaborative technologies" do I know about?
Most collaborative technologies that I can think of are mostly used in business settings. Such technologies include; e-mail lists, tele-conferencing, and smartboards.
Which "collaborative technologies" have I used?
One collaborative technology that I use often is class e-mail lists. It is collaborative in a sense that if one student asks a question the whole class gets to hear it. This feature makes life much easier for the professor and also allows peers to answer questions for eachother than always having to go to the professor.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the "collaborative technology" which do I know best?
I don't really see any weaknesses to collaborative technologies. And as far as strengths I believe that all collaborative technologies enhance communication and community which is always beneficial.
Can I think of any theories, conceptual frameworks, specifications which would guide me in developing colaborative technologies?
Not really.
Have you ever read a book about collaboration?
Discuss the following statement: "collaborative technology will have little success in non-collaborative environments"
I believe that if people are not willing to create a collaborative environment, a collaborative technology will serve no purpose. Just like if people are unwilling to use the computer the computer serves no purpose in their life. Or if people are unwilling to talk a phone serves no purpose. This seems like an obvious enough statement.