Serina Croll
January 27, 2002
Assignment 2
Article Reviewed: Fischer, G. (1998) "Making Learning a Part of Life-Beyond the 'Gift-Wrapping' Approach of Technology." Notes from 6/96 NSF Symposium on Learning and Intelligent Systems
Assignment 2
What did you find interesting about the article?
The section titled "Learning as a New Form of Labor" made the greatest impression on me. I have always believed in life-long learning and felt that the work place should not be considered a place of applying knowledge, but a place of acquiring more knowledge, as mentioned in the article. It was interesting to further learn the L3D's goals and framework for life long learning.
What did you find not interesting about the article?
Nothing imparticularly.
What do you consider the main message of the article?
I believe the main message of this article is to give a better explanation of life-long learning and how it should be implemented in our society today with the aid of media. The article first give a clear picture of what life-long learning really means. Next the article goes on to explain different ways we, as humans, have tried to integrate technologies into our society. From their the article goes on to explore the way in which technology should be approached to create life-long learning and integrate more smootly into our lives.
Click on one of the words in blue and see what happens. Is this feature useful?
Yes. This feature is very useful. It is always convienient to have a direct link to a defenition of terms when reading an article.
In which situations have you encountered this feature?
This feature exists in some Software Development Kits. Although it provides a function defenition and prototype, rather than a word defenition.
Do you know any of the people mentioned in the article?
I have heard of B.F. Skinner, although at the moment I remember nothing about him besides his name.
In case you do not know something, find out something about him/her- and write a paragraph what she/he has contributed to a deeper understanding of learning.
B.F Skinner was a phsycologist, whom lived from 1904 to 1990. In his lifetime he did many studies with animals to help humans have a better understanding of the learning process. One of his more famous experiments was that with a dog. The experiment with the dog proved that the dog could be taught by conditioning. By monitoring the salvation of the dog, the scientist found that if they repeatedly rung a bell and then put food infront of the dog the dog would eventually associate the bell with food. He did other experiment on animals that more than anything proved things about behavior which has a direct correlation to learning.
Assignment 2