Payal Prabhu

I'm a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science and work with Wayne Ward at the Center for Spoken Language Research. I'm currently working on the Aquaint project.
May 15, 2002: We received our grades for the class. Thankfully I managed an A. YAY!!
June 21st, 2002: I'm spending the summer working at CSLR. My older sister got married in New Jersey May 23rd, 2002 (court marriage). They'll have the official "church ceremony" next year (scheduling issues with the church). My parents were here from India for two weeks. We took a four-day roadtrip to Vegas, Grand Canyon, Sedona and Moab. It was just BEAUTIFUL!
I'm probably taking another trip to New Jersey in July for a week. Need my sanity checks periodically!! :)
July 7th, 2002: I'm off to NJ/NY for 10 days at the end of July (19th - 28th). Can't wait to take a little break from the humdrum of Boulder and get some city-action in my system ;)
July 31st, 2002: I'm back from a good break on the east coast. I'm starting work on a new project at work CUMove. It hasn't been worked-on for about a year so my boss and I are trying to salvage it and get it working.
The fall semester will start in less than a month. I'm taking three classes (Theory of Computation, Speech Recognition, Advanced Dialogue Systems). I will try doing another PhD qualifying exam this September (Database). I am stilly iffy on taking the AI one in December.
FUN! FUN! I'm taking dirt bike lessons now so I can go on a dirt biking trip to Moab (Utah) at the end of August. Hopefully all 206 bones of mine will be intact at the end of the trip!
August 12th, 2002: So the venue for the camping/dirt biking trip has been changed from Moab to Grand Lake since we couldn't find dirt-bike rentals in Moab. In the work arena, I'm taking at 3-day short course at CSLR that deals with Interactive Spoken Dialog System Design. It will be an intense yet very helpful course for me to take.
October 08th, 2002: Its been quite some time since I last updated this page! The semester is going on at FULL SWING! I took the database prelim and we'll get the results on the 18th of this month!
The dirt biking/camping trip was WONDERFUL! I had an awwsome Honda 200XR .. I did have one bad fall (but it was RESPECTABLE!) .. and the bike fell over a couple times, but on-the-whole I did pretty decent :)
Fall break will be spent on doing homework and spending my boyfriend's birthday quietly.
I did also attend ICSLP 2002 at Denver, CO. It was a hectic 6 days of waking up at 5:30am, leaving Boulder at 6:30am and spending all day at the conference, yet I was able to talk to MANY researchers from different labs and universities .. maybe next year's conference at Geneva is a possibility?
November 07th, 2002: My monthly update to this site. Classes are going well. Homeworks are being done by the minute .. will it ever end?
My sister will visit me for a week soon (from Jersey) since I haven't met my family all semester. For Thanksgiving, I'll be going to Fort Lauderdale .. ^YAY^ .. my first trip to Florida!! Will keep this posted as and when more developments arise.
January 22nd, 2003: Happy (Belated) New Year! The semester has started yet again! I'm taking three classes: Natural Language Processing (Jim Martin), Databases (Buzz King), and Statistical Learning and Data Mining (Rick Osborne). Also, I have now moved to the AQUAINT project at work!
April 15th, 2003: Almost the end of the semester! I just got back from a weekend trip to Moab, Utah. We camped, rode our dirt bikes, read, lit fires, cooked pssghetti and sauce .. etc.
I'm getting my Masters in CS this summer. I don't think I'll be sticking around for commencement though. I've to scurry off to NJ for my sister's wedding!
June 14th, 2003: Well into the summer! As expected, I didn't go to graduation but I did get my Masters in Computer Science. ^Hurrah^ ... Last week, my machine at work went dead so while I'm waiting for the new one to get here I'm twiddling my thumbs and wiggling my toes. I'm really hoping to get some good work done this summer so I can find a topic for my thesis. I visited NJ for three weeks. My sister's wedding was AWSOME! She looked absolutely gorgeous in her crystal white wedding gown .. and her happy smile made her look even more glamorous. I danced all night and my feet hurt after that! My boyfriend and I visited NYC the next day and walked almost 5 miles .. it was a wonderful day! This summer I plan to do substantial research work, dirtbike a lot more, go bicycling with my boyfriend and probably learn how to swim. If I move to Florida ultimately, I'm gonna have to become comfortable with large bodies of water. SUMMER HAS FINALLY ARRIVED IN BOULDER ^YAY^
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