1. what are aspects of the course so far that are positive and need to be sustained?
i'm very fond of the amount of dicussion that goes on in class. i'm also fond of the readings for class.
what do you think about the following parts of the course?
1. Lecture sessions
work well...
2. Guest Lectures
somewhat interesting, but definitely a nice way to become more familiar wth people in the department
3. "practical sessions" (EDC, PitaBoard, Role Playing)
entertaining and enlightening
4. small assignments
work well (though hard to remember to do, but i don't think this has anything to do with the class, just me...
5. efforts of getting course participants involved in the course
not sure...
6. use of technologies (e.g., Swiki, the WWW in general) in the course
i really like the swiki, and i appreciate that you don't abuse the mailing list too much!
7. peer-to-peer learning (e.g., to which extent did it happen in your case)
this has been a little more difficult, for me because of the disparity between ugra/grad... but i think that this problem (for me) has gone away and i enjoy the oppurtunity to interact with both levels of students.
8. independent research activities
the main problem has been lack of communication (when are things due) and a vague description. this has been ameliorated somewhat by the revised schedule. i still think the project is somewhat under–specified...
9. course projects
i really wish this was optional/or an alternative to the independent learning project. i'm in senior projects this semester and have little time to be doing TWO projects for a single class. while i would enjoy this very much if i had more time (and i do enjoy it onw when i have time time to work on it) but it has been a major problem finding time to work on this project.
3. how would you improve the course?
i would have only 1 project which could be either of the two we have now.
self-assessment – please let us know how well YOU think you have done in the course Think about this in terms of your performances in:
1. please give an honest answer about how much time and effort you have put into your work so far (work hard <--> last-minute effort <--> minimum effort to get by)
i admit that i have only put in enough effort to get by so far. i wish i could do more, and i do what i can, but my schedule is incredibly busy this semster, and trying to fit everything in is a major problem.
2. participation (including class participation; attendance, ......);
i feel like i have participated well...
3. small assignments,
i feel that (with a few exceptions) that i have answered these to the best of my ability and tried to spend time formulating my answers so as to provide thoughful responses.
4. your effort thus far in the independent research activities
have been sporadic, but fruitful...
5. your effort thus far in your project
has been minimal, with great regret. as i have stated, this projecy has suffered greatly, as my attention has been focused much more on my senior project.
5. anything else you would like us to know?
the class is very enjoyable...