Assignment 13
Beyond One-Sided Approaches of Learning
source: Rogoff, B., Matsuov, E., & White, C. (1998) "Models of Teaching and Learning: Participation in a Community of Learners." In D. R. Olsen & N. Torrance (Eds.), The Handbook of Education and Human Development – New Models of Learning, Teaching and Schooling, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 388-414.
with this assignment we split the members of the class into:
- producers (students giving answers)
- analyzers and summarizers (students evaluating the answers from the other students)
analyzers and summarizers:
- Jackson Fox
- Payal Prabhu
The analyzers and summarizers can do their work individually or jointly!
due: Wednesday, March 13
- producers: please submit by 10:00am to the class website please be on time, so the "analyzers and summarizers" can do their work!
- analyzers/summarizers: please submit by 2:00pm to the class website
Briefly discuss the following issues:
- what did you find
- interesting about the article?
- not interesting about the article?
- what do you consider the main message of the article?
- which technologies are used / can be used /should be used to support
- adult-run education
- child-run education
- community of learners education
- analyze our course from the three dimensions:
- adult-run education
- child-run education
- community of learners education