1.How many programming languages have you used?
C, C++, Java, HTML, Modula-3.
2.In your experience, what is the most difficult part of learning a new programming language?
when the syntax of the language is complex and long, then it becomes harder to learn a language.
3.Have you ever found that you have accidentally implemented a function that is in the library already?
Yes. When I was trying to convert a string of numbers into integer, I wrote a function to do it. Later on I found out there is function atio in C library to the exactly the same thing.
Breifly discuss the following questions AFTER you read the paper.
1.What do you find
1.1interesting about the article
I found the extraction of queries automatically using comments and signatures by CodeBroke to be very interesting. This may make coding become an good learning processes.
not interesting about the article
I want to learn more about how CodeBroker can find out what programmer really want by learning his/her patterns in coding
2.Do you have any ideas how this research could / should be extended based on your own knowledge and experience
I'd like explore more to find out whether there are more effective way to interprete and extract user's comments, especially when it's not very clearly written.