I tried to first cover the corners because I assumed that i would have greater flexibility in the middle of the board.
I did not use any resources for this problem. I did work on it with someone who is not in our class for a little while.
When trying to solve the problem, i mostly used trial and error. I would try to look several moves ahead to see what the best move would be.
Im not totally sure that this problem is solvable, but A computer would be good at looking far in advance and trying many possibilities very quickly.
In my particular case collaboration did not lead to a good solution. But it was helpful to get input from someone else and see it from a different perspective. I also was wondering while trying to solve this problem whether or not it was solvable at all. Technology could have helped me visualize the problem better and it would have been easier to start over from scratch rather than drawing a new grid on a piece of paper every time I made a mistake. Combining the two, collaboration and technology, while may have not necessarily led to a solution, would have been a more ideal working environment.