1. what did you find
1.1. interesting about the article? The concept of "gift-wrapping". As stated in the paper, "gift-wrapping" approach is merely wrapped around old frameworks for education. Computers can be used to improve actual educational techniques.
1.2. not interesting about the article? "Figure 5: Levels of Users' Knowledge about a System's Information Spaces". This diagram is difficult to understand.
2. what do you consider the main message of the article? "The future of how we live, think, create, work, learn, and collaborate is not out there to be "discovered" it has to be invented and designed." Computers have the potential to vastly improve the learning process in different environments (school, work, "life-long learning", etc) rather than just repackage in a different media format. Computers can be the primary catalyst for life-long learning.
3. click on one of the words in blue and see what happens? It gives the definition of the word, like a dictionary.
3.1. is this feature useful? Yes, because it gives you further information if you wish to use it rather than presenting to much information in one place.
3.2. in which other situations have you encountered this feature? Many websites include a similar feature to give background information for a related concept or idea. It also may link to a more accurate definition of a word or phrase within the context of the article.
4. global learning theories and approaches
4.1. do you know any of the people mentioned in the diagrams:
4.1.1. Skinner yes
4.1.2. Piaget no
4.1.3. Papert no
4.1.4. Illich no
4.1.5. Vygotsky no
4.1.6. Dewey no
4.1.7. ignore Taylor
4.2. select one of the six
4.2.1. in case you know something ‡ write a paragraph what she/he has contributed to a deeper understanding of learning?
BF Skinner - He was a behavioral psychologyst. He discovered the concepts of "operant conditioning" and "reinforcing stimulus". In short, this means behavior is a result of stimulus and response. "A behavior followed by a reinforcing stimulus results in an increased probability of that behavior occurring in the future." "A behavior no longer followed by the reinforcing stimulus results in a decreased probability of that behavior occurring in the future." He used a rat in his "Skinner box" for this research. He also studied "shaping" of behavior and "schedules of reinforcement".
4.2.2. in case you do not know something, find out something about her/him ‡ write a paragraph what she/he has contributed to a deeper understanding of learning?
5. identify one website (and mention the URL) which you consider interesting and relevant for “learning”! Write a one paragraph justification!
Google is a great example for "self-directed learning" and "collaborative learning". The Internet contains a lot of information about any subject. Google makes information universally accessible and useful. As for "collaborative learning", you can find an online forum for your subject of interest or post questions on a online message board where other users can answer based on their own experiences and knowledge.