paper: Fischer, G., Giaccardi, E.,
Eden, H., Sugimoto, M., & Ye, Y. (2005) "Beyond Binary Choices: Integrating
Individual and Social Creativity," International Journal of Human-Computer
Studies (IJHCS) Special Issue on Creativity (eds: Linda Candy and Ernest Edmond),
p. (in press).
As far as what interested people
with respect to the article, people seemed to enjoy the fish scale models and
the Communities of Interest and the Communities of Practice sections the most.
I also enjoyed these sections as a I thought they supported the main argument
of the paper the best. A few people also mentioned that they found the concept
of social creativity being greather than the sum of individual efforts an interesting
concept. On the other hand, a few students thought that the fish scale model
was a little too theoretical and that interactive art was not as interesting
a system as the others proposed in the paper. Everyone seemed to get the main
message of the article that social creativity and individual creativity go hand
in hand as it was fairly clear when presented in the paper.
For question 3, each of the proposed
systems was analyzed by someone, and they were pretty evenly distributed among
choices for this question. I think the most concise and well-put answer was
Byrnes', in which she said: "Caretta: individual users are given opportunities
to work in their own personal space through their PDA's which enhances the diversity
of design plans; users can easily move back and forth between their individual
design space and the collective space of the SensingBoard and back again which
enhances the interactions among users as well as the efficiency of integrating
multiple visions and plans." All answers were pretty good for this question.
A lot of interesting examples were
provided by people to answer the question on boundary objects. I liked Jodi's
answer with the "___ for dummies" example and David's answer dealing
with cell phones, paper, and text-messaging. There were a lot of good answers
to this question as well. People chose examples all across the board, from technologies,
to books, to classroom lessons.
I enjoyed reading the answers to
the question on personal creativity. The answers were quite eclectic. I was
surprised to see that two people had chosen soccer as an example and I completely
agree with that as I also play. I particularly liked Phong's example of creating
a network of friends and family because it is not normally something you would
think of as creative, but after a little thought, it certainly takes the creative
effort of any other answer.
A lot of people chose the EDC and
the Swiki for this class as examples of social and/or individual creativity.
Other wikis, of course, are good examples of this (wikipedia for instance) as