1. what did you find
1.1. interesting about the article?
I found the reactions of new parents to the OC very interesting, and what the transition process was like for them. I found particularly interesting the statement "Often, community members express frustration at the extent to which committees and classrooms need to revisit decisions and procedures that have already been devised("reinventing the wheel"). However, just like each new classroom of children needs to participate in the process of learning to read and do arithmetic and solve problems together (rather than having knowledge "transmitted" to them in an adult-run model), each new generation of adult participants needs to participate in the process of learning to lead in a community of learners." This really shows the symmetric relationship of all participants in the OC, and that the process of learning does not apply to just the children.
1.2. not interesting about the article?
I found some of the discussion of learning models to be slightly repetitive.
2. what do you consider the main message of the article?
That there exists a third model of teaching/learning, which rather than just being a middle ground between adult-lead and child-lead learning, represents a third, seperate style of learning. In the OC, this model has proved very effective.
3. analyze your own educational experience and
3.1. provide a rough estimate in percentage points for each category and
In school:
60% - teacher led
10% - self led
30% years - community of learners
Outside of school:
95% - self led
5% - other
3.2. one example for each category (in case you have encountered all three approaches)
Teacher led - Lectures, assigned reading, assignments
Self led - most of the technical knowledge I know, learning programming languages, learning crafts
Community of learners - Montessori style elementary school education (3+ years fulltime in 5th and 6th grade and 1.5 years in upper highschool)
4. which technologies are used / can be used /should be used to suppot
4.1. adult-run education
Powerpoint, projections, clickers, wikis, mailing lists
4.2. child-run education
The internet, "design tools" (this contains everything from word to photoshop to programming languages and everything in between)
4.3. community of learners education
Wikis, email, the internet, "design tools"
6. which possibilities do you see to effectively integrate adult- and child-run education?
As pointed out in the article, integration of the two is a bit of a misnomer. In fact, I think it makes a case that trying to integrate the two leads to failure. Instead, it seems important to use the third model, the model of a community of learners, in which teachers act as facilitators, mentors, and provide guidance, but that ultimatily the children are responsible for what they learn.