Topic Focus
Under the broad topic of collaboration we would like to focus on learning more about collaborative tools that facilitate political and social activism, particularly via pervasive computing tools (e.g. cell phone, pda, etc).
Navigation Guide:
All items due can be found under the Deliverables section.
Page History:
[04/01/05, Phong]: added notes on Rheingold's Chapter 2.
Research Methodology
- Use the swiki for postings
- Use research databases like the ACM Digital Library
- Check out books from the library or ask for books for Gerhard
- Interview crucial people
Member Contact Info
phong: phong[at]colorado[dot]edu
scotty: scott.allen[at]colorado[dot]edu
adam: adam.torgerson[at]colorado[dot]edu
david: westdb[at]colorado[dot]edu
Initial Research Statement
First Progress Report
Second Progress Report
Collaboration Group Final Report
Presentation: collab.pdf
Contributions / Working Space
adam: Activism through Pervasive Computing
david: Technology Aided Grassroots Movements
Contibution for the first progress report (to be assimilated)
Work in Progress
Final Report Outline
Draft Final Report
Howard Rheingold
Grassroots Groupminds
Information on the Digital Communities award of Prix Ars Electronica from
More from the Ars Electronica website
Technology and Community – Elite Public Culture or Grassroots Empowerment? A Case Study of New Haven, Connecticut
The liberal media and right-wing conspiracies: using cocitation information to estimate political orientation in web documents
About Foucault's Panopticon
Plenary Session #7: Grassroots Goes Global: Activism Online (Audio Recording)
Distributed cognition: toward a new foundation for human-computer interaction research
Venezuela's Media Coup by Naomi Klein
Contact Info
david: AOLIM: mrhand00