1. what did you find (articulate the answers in your own words)
1.1. interesting about the article?
The most interesting part of article is that nowadays computers are also able to criticize our work and help us reflect it, sometimes leading to modification of it, which could help the design process a lot, because one gets to hear different approaches to solving a certain problem.
1.2. not interesting about the article?
Well the fact that his “critiquing” computer-based systems are programmed by experts, who says that the knowledge these experts have are the ones the systems should be based on? The system’s critiques are based on the possible critiques the experts might suggest, but does that guarantee that the ideas by the experts cannot be innovated ?
What is called expert systems have become very important in the domain of software enginering, but, every new development of a project brings out new ideas, so we cannot just rely on these systems.
2. what do you consider the main message of the article?
Critics is a way of helping us expand and create more useful knowledge and systems that help us on this goal. Being able to hear different ideas during the design process (specifically) would help cancel some of the design flaws.
3. are themes discussed in the article which you would like to know more about?
Are there any other “critiquing” systems that are currently been used? And we would like to have a breakdown of how the system functions. It seems that the idea and the philosophy of the system were clear, but the article was not clear about how the system works
4. do you know of other papers, ideas, and systems which are closely related to
4.1. DODEs
4.2. Critiquing?
Spell corrector in MS Word. The “hint” option we have in games like solitaire.
4.3. analyze “spelling correctors” as a critiquing system
Well spelling correctors are kind of a critiquing system but they still need to be improved since sometimes their suggestions/corrections are not quite adequate. Also, it would be nice if a spelling corrector understands the context of a sentence and make suggestions accordingly.
5. what does the article say about
5.1. design
The process of designing a specific structure involves critiques and systems that help designers perfect their work. So a perfect designing is tried to be accomplished by using these systems and integrating them in every single project to eliminate the flaws that could come with the design.
5.2. learning
Designers learn from mistakes and critiques made by teammates or “critiquing” systems. So in the end, chance of committing any errors is decreased and their knowledge expands. That is the best way to earn experience and increase learning.
5.3. collaboration
That critiques help us on the growth of our knowledge and future elimination of error. Designers have a better understanding of their work by hearing the different point of views of his/her teammates. Being able to work on an egoless, openminded and democratic environment where engineers can discuss their ideas and display their points of view about any product being developed, would increase collaboration, which will consequently make the development process a lot smarter and easier.
5.4. innovative media support for these activities?
There are some systems that help on the pronunciation of words in particular languages.
6. do you have any ideas how this research could / should be extended based on your own knowledge and experience?
It could probably be extended to the web and help engineers ease the pain of design through making suggestion. But the main reason behind extending it to the web is to increase the accessibility of the system.