Lee Becker's Assignment 5
Google Scholar:
Google's simple and well known interface makes a nice transition to the realm
of scholarly papers. Google's original inspiration was drawn from the
academic system of ranking wherein webpage ranking is based on number
of referrals by well-respected, important webpages. Instead of just
webpage referrals, Google Scholar uses citation indices to weigh a paper's
importance. While this is not flawless, it does allow you to quickly obtain
a sampling of notable papers for a given topic. Although there is no
directory for browsing fields/subjects, the advanced search allows you to
prune queries by author, publication, and date and subject area.
ACM Digital Library:
The ACM Digital libary provides access to not only publications from
the ACM , but from other affiliated associations (such as the Association of
Computational Linguistics). I find the presence of article abstracts
especially helpful for wading through an abundance of information.
Additionally it is nice to be able to browse instead of just search and query.
Other goodies such as BibTex, references, and collaborative colleagues show
that the ACM Digital library is definitely geared toward computer science
CiteSeer, like Google provides a clean and simple field for doing searches.
When clicking on a result, the user is taken to a page featuring an
abstract, links to the document itself, as well as links to other relevant
documents and authors. Like the ACM digital library, CiteSeer provides
BibTex entries. There is an abundance of information generated from
CiteSeer queries. For the knowledgeable or experienced reader, this can be
very powerful.