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Citeseer is a scientific literature library and search engine tool, which focuses primarily on computer science topics. The main advantage to Citeseer is that it quickly provides the number of citations to an article. It also provides links to articles that are based on the same subject, that are also on the same website, and to the articles providing the citation. The articles are viewable in many different formats and in cached forms in case the original version is not available.

ACM Digital Library:
The ACM digital library provides the full text of every article ever published by the ACM. Besides the full article text it also provides a full list of indexing terms (classifications), which could help in future searches. The list of collaborative colleagues is also listed, which again could help with future searches. It is also possible to display the information in a format suitable for EndNote and BibTex, although it must be manually transferred to your reference manager. One extremely nice feature is the binder, which allows you to save articles and other information for future use. The binder can be accessed from any computer with an Internet connection. The major downside to the ACM DL is that you must be a member to access the articles and use the binder.

Google Scholar:
Google Scholar provides an enormous amount of results for your search terms. In the list of found articles the number of citations is indicated, related articles are easily accessible, and links to multiple versions of the same article are provided. It is also possible to refine the search to the more recently published articles. While on campus, Google Scholar provides links directly to your campus library articles on file, whether they are either online or offline. Like the ACM DL, It also will allow you to import bibliographical information into many reference tools, such as EndNote, BibTex, RefWorks, and others. It is also possible to perform a highly customizable custom search. Overall, Google Scholar seems to be the best of the three search tools for locating research information, but the other two can be used to keep the search space smaller.

Last modified 30 September 2007 at 12:24 pm by JeffreyLaMarche