Jinho Daniel Choi

Jinho Choi (jinho[dot]choi[at]colorado[dot]edu)
Computer Science, University of Colorado

I am a Ph.D. student of Computer Science at the University of Colorado. I have B.A. degree from Coe College (Cedar Rapids, IA), and have M.S. degree from the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA). I also taught undergraduate computer science courses at Korea Military Academy (Seoul, Korea) as a full-time lecturer for 3 years.

My main research area is Natural Language Processing; more focused on 'computational linguistics'. Currently I'm working with Professor Martha Palmer, who is an associative professor of Cognitive Science at the University of Colorado. My research lab is at 'Center for Innovation and Creativity' (1777 Exposition Dr. Boulder, CO).

I'm interested in both syntactic and semantic structures in natural languages. I've worked with Professor Mitch Marcus to import Korean features to Daniel Bikel's parser: a parser from natural language to phrasal structure such as Penn Treebank. At this point, I'm doing research on dependency structures to add more accurate senses in Machine Translations.

For leisure. I play various sports: mainly basketball, tennis and work-out. I also play music with instruments like piano, guitar and some vocal. For more information, please visit my webpage: http://verbs.colorado.edu/~choijd.

Jinho's Questionnaire - It actually took me some time to write this.
Colloquium 1 - The Thrill of Discovery by Dr. Ben Shneiderman (10/04/07)
Colloquium 2 - Creativity Support Tools by Dr. Ben Shneiderman (10/05/07)
Jinho's Assignment 8 - Globalization and Offshoring of Software
Thesis Summary maltparser.pdf - MaltParser - An Architecture for Inductive Labeled Dependency Parsing