Employment in a Globalized World

I have no concern about the future of computing as a viable field of study and work. IT industry will continue to grow because of the Globalization, as the report said. Moreover, computing in our life and work still has room to be improved and new technology and new resource are being explored. Although the dot com boom is over and we seem hit the limit on Moore law, the development of computing and information technology never stop.

I most strongly agree with the opinion of “To stay competitive in a global IT environment and industry, countries must adopt policies that foster innovation.” in this report. Innovation will lead to the exploitation of results in the IT area, which goes one step further than the mere production and dissemination of new scientific knowledge.

I have a little disagreement about the globalization of research. Globalization will allow more and better people to participate in IT research. But sometimes globalization will decrease the diversity in IT research.

Our department should provide a better environment of innovation.