Assignment 9
Due: Weds, February 22, 2004, 10:00 am
EDC Role Play
The purpose of this assignment is to prepare you for the EDC role playing session on Weds, Feb 22.
Note: This assignment does not require a write-up. However, you should select the role you would like to play and "register" that preference on the Roles page. (You may pair up on roles, perhaps by taking turns participating and observing. There are 11 students, so we should either have 1 or 2 students on each role). You should also fill out the questionnaire to help you reflect upon your perspectives before the meeting.
Please review the Roles that have been developed for the role play.
You should carefully review the role you select and reflect upon how that person's life situation would affect their use of public transportation. The role-play exercise will entail redesign of a bus route and you will need to behave as though you were the member of the community represented by your role.
Feel free to expand on the role and make it as personally meaningful to you as possible. In reflecting on your role, you should develop at least one issue that you believe your persona would raise in the course of the community bus route design meeting.
The agenda for the meeting is at:
Have Fun!