WikiConversation: Capturing Info Between Meetings

Team Members

Phong: phong[at]colorado[dot]edu

Scotty: scott.allen[at]colorado[dot]edu

Project Summary

We would like to create an initial prototype of a wiki that would allow "conversations" between contributors to a wiki document.

Progress Since Last Report

We continue to interview users this week and the beginning of next week. We plan to interview two more users. We will spend the latter part of this weekend analyzing the interviews to arrive at some of the desired design features for asynchronous collaboration. However, due to the project short duration we will be able to prototype a subset of the desired features.

We have also begin to refine our initial prototype and started investigating its implementation via MediaWiki. At this point some of our desired features will be relatively painless to implement within MediaWiki while other may not be possible given our time constraints.

Finally, since both of us are members of the collaboration group we will incorporate the theoretical questions of motivation (e.g. social capital) as an explicit context for our work in the presentation and final paper.