Participant: Michael Main

Date: March 31, 2005

Distance Learning Instructor Questionnaire

1. How long have you been an instructor? In what department?

23 years in computer science

2. In your experience, what is the most effective way to teach students?

kind of a broad question, but for me the most effective technique is to
get to know the students one-on-one. this lets me know their individual
abilities and needs, and lets them see how interested i am in each
student as an individual.

3. How important do you feel collaboration amongst students is vital to
their learning?

There are a variety of ways that students learn, and different students
will respond to different techniques. Collaboration is one of these
many techniques, and some students will respond to group projects very
well. But since collaboration is one of many possible techniques, it is
only mildly important.

4. What do you know about distance education?


5. What obstacles do you see distance education instructors facing?

For me, the problem is that I couldn't get to know the students
individually. They would be little individual feedback, little chance
to tailor work to students, little chance for feedback.

6. Would you consider becoming a distance education instructor? Why/why not?

No. I am rewarded by the contact with students.

7. In your opinion, what would be the greatest advantages of distance
education? Disadvantages?

Adavantage is in the numbers. You can reach a large number of students.