1. what did you find (articulate the answers in your own words)

1.1. interesting about the article?

I found it interesting that Buxton was convinced that Renaissance men and women were outdated by 300-400 years. He agrees that a jack-of-all-trades is a master of nothing, and has no place in modern society.

1.2. not interesting about the article?

I don't think Buxton found the most inspiring examples for each engineering feat he was showcasing. Granted he did write this essay a few years ago.

2. what do you consider the main message of the article?

That computing technology has many more places than just in the computer room. The main trick is in focusing on I/O because people value sheer computing power less than engineers and computer scientists believe. Instead they value transparent technology which does its job and does not break.

3. Please comment on the following claim: “Despite the increasing reliance on technology in our society, in my view, the key to designing a different future is to focus less on technology and engineering, and far more on the humanities and the design arts.”

3.1. agree / disagree?

I think that engineers have many hard tasks at hand and little mental energy for heavy duty humanities. When I went to school in New York for engineering, I had roomates who were taking a class on James Joyce's "Ulysses" on top of engineering classes. As a consequence they failed their engineering classes. Nevertheless when I was an engineer I too felt a need to seek out culture. I sought to integrate my experience with that of artists and architects. I believe that the twain should meet. I believe that engineers and artists should design together.

3.2. which are the personal consequences which you draw from this statement?

I believe that by subscribing to this view I have unknowingly started to go down the path of becoming a jack-of-all-trades. I often do things myself if I cannot work out the logistics of collaboration properly. Since this is the case I must learn to collaborate. In addition I should specialize so I can survive in the current working environment. Indeed, the climate today is one of intense specialization, so taking a broad approach to learning is risky at my age.

3.3. are the educational programs you are involved addressing this claim?

Generally, the push in academia is one of specialization. This is in accordance with the needs and trends exhibited by society. Nevertheless, there are those who seek to integrate and share knowledge among disciplines. I find no problem with that, since I do not personally agree with intense specialization. Some people need a contrast to their specialized field.

4. Please comment on the following claim: “Given the much discussed constraints on human ability, how can we expect an individual to maintain the requisite specialist knowledge in their technological discipline, while at the same time have the needed competence in industrial design, sociology, anthropology, psychology, etc., which this essay implies are required to do one’s job?”

4.1. agree / disagree?

I disagree. People are very good at assimilating information. What is lacking for most people is a sense of what will be important and relative to a person's life. Attention is so scarce in the face of information overload that people must either cultivate longer attention spans (so they can learn more,) or shrewdly focus their attention on what is important (so they can learn what is vital.) Learning over a long period of time is also an option.

4.2. which are the personal consequences which you draw from this statement?

Though I have, in a sense, found that specialization and the jack-of-all trades mentality clash, I have to wonder whether, after I have had my share of specialization in college, I will be able to continue learning through people I know in and outside of work. I anticipate a life of learning, both from people and from books.

4.3. are the educational programs you are involved addressing this claim?

This class addresses this claim. I am also involved in continuing education.

5. Do you feel that the “Design, Learning, and Collaboration” course addresses these two claims?

Yes, I do. Interdisciplinary work is encouraged, as is lifelong learning.