1.1 what do you find interesting about the article?

There are many interesting points in the paper. One of them is the emphasis of addressing the problem in HCI not by a specialist in one field alone but by a group of people with different specialties and cultural background. Another interesting point is to raise th level of HCI research above the field of computer science to a level that comprises every important aspects of human activities.

1.2 what do you find not interesting about the article?

I couldn't find that.

2. what do you consider the main message of the article?

Human-computer Interaction (HCI) is a very complicated subject that can on longer be a one-person or even one-field task. The appropriate approach to study HCI at current stage is to bring a group of minds that would share,interact and create new concept and method to address the problem from different angles. It should be also recognized that the objects in HCI is not static but dynamic. Therefore, a dynamic approach should be applied. To put the theories into practice, Envisionment and Discovery Collaboration (EDC) is introduced as an integrated physical and computational environment to attack the complexity of the problem.

3. are the themes discussed int the article which you would like to know more about?

One of the themes illustrated in the paper is to exploit the symmetry of ingnorance. I think this theme is the most important one to understand the future of HCI, and I'd like to know more about the theory. One important issue about this theme is how to recognize accurately the different aspects of a complex problem in HCI. For a simple problem, it will not be a difficult task. But in the real world, a complex object may not show the clear-cut aspects pointing to its symmetry of ignorance. On the other hand, the object may be ill-defined and not well-structured.

4. what did you find interesting about the "Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory (EDC)" system?
EDC is the implementation of the theme and theories about the future of HCI the authors illustrated in the paper. I am more interested in the aspect of Creating a Language of Objects and Interacting with the System. I think this part is the most difficult and intriguing since different applications have their own objects carrying the unique characteristics. Obviously, different tools and implementation are needed for interacting between participants, exploiting the system, creating new solutions. What are the general rules to design such tools and environment to create the language of objects? Development of such roles will make the application of EDC easier in the different field of research.

5. do you know of other papers, ideas, and systems which are closely related to the article and the EDC system?

Not many I know of. I heard some big investment firms hiring people with background of physics, applied math and computer science. They let these people work together in hope of generating a magic model to predict the movement of the stock market. Meanwhile, colloboration of computer scientists and biologists created a new field, the bioinformatics.

6.what does the article say about design, learning, collaboration and innovative media support for these activities?

In EDC, the authors talke about Creating a Language of Objects and Interacting with the System. The two aspects of the language were mentioned. One is the physical langugage. In the transportation model, the physical language are the objects with different shapes and colors to represent different components of the system. The other is the computational objects which is tools and the media environent to support the interaction of the participants and the creation of new solutions.

Since the physical world around us and the human demand and its interaction with the world is in constant change, the learning of the problem objects should be dynamic and be kept with the demand of the changes. Another aspect of learning is that the participants will gain new perspective on the problem they are studying after interactive learning with other teamplayer.

Since the symmetry of ignorance exist in the complex problem, collaboration of participants with the knowledge on different aspect of the problem becomes crucial to gain new perpective and create the solution of the problem. Innovative media support will speed out the whole process of interaction and discovery by providing effective interactive space and analytic tools.

7.do you have any ideas how this research could/should be extended ?

I am more interested in finding out how to implement the EDC archetecture in the fields with different natures. The reason for my intention is to test the generalization of the theories behind the EDC architecture