Here is thewindowsNoVM_install.exeinstaller for people with windows and dont have a java virtual machine

Here is the windowsVM_install.exe installer for people that have windows and a java virtual machine.

Here is the macNoVM_installinstaller for mac users (not OSX) and already have a java virtual machine

Here is the source code

Here is a quick tutorial:

First off: to run this, you need an internet connection, and you usually need to have an ip that is not behind a NAT firewall, ie, its not 10.0.0.something.

1)Click on the link above and download the installer. Right now this is only available for Windows users, or Macintoshes that already have the Java Virtual Machine on them. (no Mac OS X)

2)Click on the StartMenu button (in windows) and click on the
SerinaJohn icon in the program files menu. This should start up the application

3)Now, click on the connections/connect... Now enter in an ip of a user that you know is online in this dialog. If you dont know of any other users that are on now, you can enter mine:

4)Now in the upper right text area you can begin typing some Java code like


and then press the Send button . Note that for doing output use print(data) instead of System.out.println(data).

5)Try making a button like this

button = new JButton("ClickMe");


6)Try a scripted object like this

MyFrameMaker(String title){

frame = new JFrame(title);



and then test it with


which should Create a small fram titled DLC;

7)Try anything that beanshell can do, check it out at

8)You can also send instant messages to the group using the area at the lower right.

9)You can see the ip's of everyone connected to you under

Connections/Current Connections

10) The groups contributions to the code so far will appear in the upper left text area, and any error or output will appear in the lower left.

Any questions? Dont hesitate to call me at 3038593907