Serina Croll

Assignment 12

March 4, 2002

How many programming languages have you used?

Over the course of my programming experience I have used approximately 10 different programming languages. Some of these languages I have more experience with than others.

In your experience, what is the most difficult part of learning a new programming language?

Learning the syntax is the most difficult. I believe that most programming languages are structured the same. So once you understand the structure and concept of a programming language it is much easier to learn new languages and it is more than anything a matter of learning different syntax.

Have you ever found that you have accidentally implemented a function that is in the library already?

No, but I have never really checked this out.

What do you find interesting about the article?

The entire article was interesting to me. I enjoy reading about the theories applied behind the code broker system Code broker seems like a very useful software as discussed in this article.

What do you find not interesting about the article?


Do you have any ideas how this research could / should be extended based on your own knowledge and experience?

I think one way that the research could be extended is by exploring how the end user could give input to or customize the code broker system, and other similar systems.