The ship navigation example illustrates benefits and difficulty of supporting communities of interests and it made me think about what is boundary of software science.
I think that investigating principles and techniques of such support tools is a kind of computer science, but what about building/developing the ethnography of such communities in perspective of computer technology?
I don't have the answer yet, but I know systems consultants do that job.
One question is the conceptual position of PAD++.
They say, "It helps us realize that some of what is powerful about multiscale representations comes from how individuals and groups adapt", but I don't see essential relationship between multiscale and distributed cognition.
Another question is what is relationship between emergent phenomena and tools which support them.
The paper mentions that one of potential breakthroughs of software technology is heterogeneous distributed system collaborating each others.
I personally think it is challenging theme.
HCI has been developing communication technology between human and computer, and has been focused on supporting individual works.
The distributed cognition seems more focused on human-human communication and consider computational tools as media.
Although investigating to support individual works and interactions between human and computer is still necessary, but human-human aspect of computational augmentation and community oriented software design are new factors of software design.
I think there are some relationships between distributed cognition oriented HCI and software engineering, especially domain analysis.