Current version: v001 beta
This program generates photo newsletters using speech recognition. You can now use your own photos and customize spoken questions using a Web form.
Installation (Client)
- unpack affective speech 001beta.tar.gz.
- Open a command window (or terminal window on Macs)
- Change directory to the created folder
- Type "java -jar affectivespeech.jar"
- It will complain that the speech.properties file doesn't exist in the right directory. Copy the speech.properties file according to the instruction.
- That's it.
How to Use
- Type "start.bat" (or "sh start.sh" on Macs). Modify the batch file to use different albums.
- Alternatively, type "java -mx256m -jar affectivespeech.jar"
- What lauguage does the speech recognition engine understand?
- Yes/No. More precisely, yes, yeah, alright, no and nope.
- Can I change the language?
- Yes. you will need to modify the .gram file located in affectivespeech.jar. you may also need to modify the Java method that translates understood spoken words into actions.
- Works on
- WinXP/Java 1.5
- WinXP/Java 1.4
- Mac OS X/ Java 1.4 (haven't checked if microphones work)
- Doesn't work on:
Known problems
- (server) photo yes/no settings don't default to saved values
- users must not mix speech inputs and gui inputs. When users say yes/no for some photos and press yes/no buttons for other photos, the system gets confused.
Wish List
- (server) add date to news letter
- (server) automatically normalize image size to 640x480
- (server) comments to individual photos
- (server) add blue shadows to photos
- (server) add interactive animation to photos
- Post audio comment
- Other image formats
- Movies
- Different newsletter styles
License isses
- Sphinx: Free – (c) CMU
- Freetts: Free – (c) CMU (c)Sun
- com.Ostermiller.util Java Utilities: Free/GPL – (c) 2001-2004 by Stephen Ostermiller and other contributors
- PHP Photo Album: Free – created by jeffreyharrell
Tech Support Hot Line
720-938-3008/303-492-4147/ konomi@colorado.edu
Friday, 17 June 2005, 7:00:07 pm