Project Description


Conventional Wikis have proven to be very usable and useful to support communities, but one of their main limitations as they are applied to research in creativity and IT is their lack of support for different media types. A consequence of this limitation is that communities (particularly those who are not focused on text) have only limited means to describe the research contributions in a variety of ways. In order to make all voices heard in a community of collaborating researchers, a socio-technical environment is needed that allows all stakeholders to contribute in ways that fits their tasks and the stakeholders’ way of thinking and expressing themselves.


The proposed research will create environments that transcend existing Wikis (being primarily focused on hypertext) to permit the integration (not just attachment) of other forms of media ranging from movies and animations, to sharing of datasets, to the creation and utilization of social network information to support community interaction, to conceptual mind-mapping media.

Proposed Research

The proposed research will

Technical Challenges

The challenges will be to develop architectures that are open enough to permit the integration of new forms of media quickly and easily, with an emphasis on content over form except where the need for new forms are essential to express the content. The ability to extend and build upon previously contributed artifacts, which is a critical element to the wiki ohana (the wiki family), will bring issues of extending tool availability and integration in interesting ways.

Requirements for Wiki 2.0 include:

Social Challenges

There is overwhelming evidence that better technological substrates are necessary but they are not sufficient to create and sustain community and social networks. We will ground our proposed technological development in the following “social constraints”: