This is a spot for you to upload images and short video clips of ideas or approaches related to CreativeIT.
Currently only a few formats are supported and the web implementation is still in its early stages, so if you have problems with your browser or need support for alternate formats, please let the menehune know and we will make every effort to address your needs.
We may convert dynamic content within the gallery to a static image that links to the dynamic content if page-loading speed becomes problematic.
Notes re: formats
We have added mp4 and wmv formats on an experimental basis.
If you experience problems with these (or any of the entries) please let us know.
We have noticed that mpeg-2 format may be problematic in that the decoder requires a license fee, and therefore does not come with most free plugins. It may be a good idea to avoid this format if you wish for your content to be readily available.
(also, we are aware that their are some problems with this page in Internet Explorer 6. we are investigating)