Workshop on Creativity Support Tools

Workshop on Creativity Support Tools

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation

June 13-14, 2005, Washington, DC


(Includes 80-page report)



Creativity Support Tools is a topic with high risk but potentially very high payoff. This workshop brought together leading academic and industrial researchers together to share experiences, identify opportunities, and formulate a research agenda.
It explored the assumption that innovation, discovery, exploration, and creativity are potent terms in academic communities such as the data mining, knowledge discovery, information visualization, search interfaces, product design, and collaboration technologies.

Publication: Shneiderman, B., Fischer, G., Czerwinski, M., Resnick, M., & Myers, B. (eds, 2006) "Creativity Support Tools: Report From a U.S. National Science Foundation Sponsored Workshop," International Journal Of Human-Computer Interaction, 20(2), p. 61-77.