Resources and Models for Creative Digital Media Research

Resources and Models for Creative Digital Media Research
Pamela Jennings

Abstract. Creative Digital Media research has been a subject of discussion in expert meetings, workshops and publications since the integration of creative practices and digital technologies, dating back at least forty years. Resurgence in discussions about interdisciplinary research policy and creative practices began in the late 1990’s as the sophistication of creativity support tools increased and creative practitioners were trained to develop new technologies and applications that fulfilled a unique need for their practice. This convergence of research-in-practice is particularly visible in the exploration of the new design space of creative engagement (e.g. embodiment, intersubjectivity and affect), means of engagement (e.g. place and narrative), effects of engagement (e.g. creativity, sociability and sense-making), design approaches (e.g. metadesign, participatory design and user centered design), and participative systems (e.g. reflective communities and cultural knowledge networks). An overview of several publications and expert meetings that have had impact on global support policies for Creative Digital Media research since the late 1990’s will be presented. These publications and expert meetings include; the New Media Art | New Funding Models report for the Rockefeller Foundation; the Helsinki Agenda: strategy document on international development of new media culture policy from the 2004 IFACCA (International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies) experts meeting in Finland; and the ACM CHI 2006 workshop AboutFace Interface: creative engagement in New Media Arts and Human Computer Interaction. Each document and/or event examined support issues for Creative Digital Media research, which in many forms is synonymous to information technology and creative practice (ITCP), that are synergistic to new research directions in Human Centered Computing, including; institutional resources, innovative funding models, curriculum development, research methodologies, evaluation, and shared epistemologies.

Pamela Jennings Bio
Jennings NSF CreativiT Presentation.ppt