Fred Collopy
Fred Collopy is Professor and Chair of Information Systems and Professor of Cognitive Science at Case Western Reserve University. He received his PhD in decisions sciences from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He has done extensive research in time series forecasting, information systems and strategy, and design. He is an editor of the International Journal of Forecasting and is on the editorial board of Information and Organizations. His research has been published in leading academic and practitioner journals including Management Science, Information Systems Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Forecasting, the International Journal of Forecasting, Design Issues, Leonardo, Interfaces, and Chief Executive.
He has also designed software including The Desk Organizer (published in 1982 by Warner Communications), TimeScope (a rule-based forecasting program) and Imager (software for playing abstract visuals). His work on the latter has been presented at ISEA, SIGGRAPH, Sonic Light, and the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and been published in Leonardo and elsewhere. He was a visiting scientist at IBM’s Watson Research Laboratory in 1989-90 at Cornell Univesity's Human-Computer Interface Laboratory in 2006 and he has performed visuals live with the jazz ensemble Kassaba, electronic musicians Dino Felipe and Henry Warwick, as well as his own Rhythmic Light Ensemble.
Fred's CWRU site
Managing as Designing