Two Day Workshop: Studying Design Creativity- Design Science, Computer Science, Cognitive Science and Neuroscience Approaches: The State of the Art

John Gero Investigator)

George Mason University
FAIRFAX, VA 22030 703/993-1000


Research into creativity has only recently focused on process issues that have the potential to be transferable and hence provide the basis for the enhancement of creativity in design. This proposal addresses the need to bring the methods of creativity research to bear onto creative IT design through a Workshop of leading researchers from four disparate areas: design science, computer science, cognitive science, and neuroscience. Bringing together international researchers from these different communities will provide opportunities for trans-disciplinary research and for each of these four sciences to expose each to the others research and research methods within the context of creative IT. The workshop, which will be scheduled over two days, is being held in Europe both because much of this research is being carried on outside the USA and to foster international collaboration. The Department of Cognitive Psychology at the University of Provence in Aix-en-Provence, through Professor Bonnardel, has offered to be the host for the Workshop and to provide the venue. The University of Provence is readily accessible from Marseille and from Paris. The intellectual outcomes are expected to be both the building of community around new research areas in creativity in IT and fully edited, commercially published proceedings that will define the state-of-the-art. The broader impacts: Creativity in IT may be pivotal to transformational products and processes. The outcomes of this workshop will form the basis of the development of a research agenda for studying creative designers and provide the basis for an education agenda to improve the creativity of IT designers. The knowledge derived from studying design creativity has the potential to form the foundations of new kinds of support tools for creative designing.