Pilot: Let Your Notes Come Alive: The SkRUI Classroom Sketchbook
Tracy Hammond hammond@cs.tamu.edu(Principal Investigator)
Donald Maxwell (Co-Principal Investigator)
Texas Engineering Experiment Station
TEES State Headquarters Bldg.
College Station, TX 77843 979/862-1696
This project develops a creativity enhancing tool for innovative education by building an electronic laboratory notebook application for a tablet PC in which students can combine graphical and handwritten notes in electronic form. The graphical diagrams are understood by sketch recognition systems built by the students and their teachers. Students take their electronic laboratory notebooks from class to class; the application studies the user's context to determine the most likely domain in which the student is drawing. This new model of active visualization will increase students' understanding of the graphical material. This tool allows students to draw free-hand drawings, just as they would on paper into a tablet PC, that are automatically recognized by the computer using sketch recognition system that provides simulation, feedback, and search capabilities. The tool will be evaluated by observation and interview to determine if the students are more creative when using the sketching tool. This work will aid the learning process through a new visualization model for real-time simulation of the students' hand-drawn sketches, ultimately being used to teach students at all levels from kindergarten to graduate students.