Workshop Recommendations

Summary of Recommendations for CreativeIT

Exploratory Research
New theoretical models: Computational and cognitive models of creativity as ways of designing innovative problems and solutions in science and engineering.
New educational approaches: Creativity as a focus for new learning environments in computer science and engineering using models such as studio learning and problem-based learning that reward creative thinking.

New tools: Information technology tools and infrastructure that support and enhance creativity in problem finding as well as problem solving.
New modes of research: Combining creative practice with science and information systems.
There are 3 different kinds of workshops that can be considered to promote the synergies between creativity and IT: community building workshops, defining the state of the art workshops, and solving a problem workshops.

Community building workshops: Brings together a collection of people with a common interest or set of goals. The focus of the workshop activities is on brief presentations and long periods of discussion. The outcome of the workshop is a report with ideas, tasks, recommendations for the future of that community. For example:
Defining the state of the art workshops: Bring together a group of people that have something to say about a research topic. The workshop activities focus on presentations and discussions about the presentations. The outcome is a publication that defines important contributions to the topic. For example:
Solving a problem workshop: Brings together people from different backgrounds to solve a hard problem. The workshop activities focus on defining the problem, proposing possible solutions, redefining the problem, and developing solutions further. The outcome is a new idea, new theory, new language, etc. For example:
Outcomes and Benefits of CreativeIT

For the United States:
  1. Improve US global position
  2. Make US an attractor for the world's best
  3. Beyond manufacturing, beyond services – shift to the creative
  4. New models in engineering, IT and design education
  5. Attracting the best minds to technology and design
For Researchers:
  1. New areas of research
  2. New models of creativity and innovation
  3. Ontologies for creative collaboration
  4. New environments/ new spaces that encourage creativity
  5. New digital tools that support creativity
  6. New prototyping/fabrication tools
  7. Graduate student support for creative arts graduate students
  1. New educational theories, models, and programs that reward creativity
  2. New kinds of graduates - effective participants in the creative economy

For the United States:
  1. Economic: improve GNP
  2. Adaptive labor force (rapid re-education and re-training), lower unemployment
  3. Base economic engine on sustainable, renewable resources (IT and design)
  1. Opens up new problem areas
  2. New environments
  3. New opportunities
  4. Better theories
  5. Personal efficacy
  1. Transformation to more flexible and creative
  2. Increase pool of talented graduates
Guidelines for funding CreativeIT
Reviewers and Review Criteria