Lee Spector

Lee Spector
School of Cognitive Science
Hampshire College
Amherst, MA

Lee Spector is a Professor of Computer Science in the School of Cognitive Science at Hampshire College. He received a B.A. in Philosophy from Oberlin College in 1984, and a Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Maryland in 1992. At Hampshire he has held the MacArthur Chair, served as the elected faculty member of the Board of Trustees, and served as the Dean of the School of Cognitive Science. He supervises the Hampshire College Cluster Computing Facility.

Dr. Spector teaches and conducts research in computer science, artificial intelligence, and artificial life. His areas of interest include genetic and evolutionary computation, quantum computation, planning in dynamic environments, artificial intelligence education, artificial intelligence and neuropsychology, and artificial intelligence in the arts. He has argued for evolutionary models of creative processes and worked on several projects applying evolutionary computation to the arts and integrating the arts into computer science curricula.

CreativeIT Exploratory Project: The Computational Creativity Curriculum