Web Resources
Web Artifacts that Support Creativity |
Please add links to websites that showcase new technology or novel concepts to support Social Creativity
Workshops about Wikis
Wiki Research: Knowledge Advancement and Design
CSCL Conference – http://www.isls.org/cscl2007/, July 2007,
SemWiki 2006: Semantic Wikis
Workshop on Semantic Wikis
References to CreativeIT
Enzymind Labs: http://enzymind.com/node/1279
Creative Environments
- Splice: A wiki-like site for creative, music-interested users
Collaboration Software@environments
Online Mind Mapping@mind maps
- Thinkature- Collaborative online mind mapping and drawing software in a pure browser environment
- Cumulate Draw- Create complex drawing in a pure browser environment. No plugins or software needed
- FreeMind- Stand-alone mind mapping software, mind maps can be viewed (but not created or edited) online
- Mindmeister- Mind mapping software in a pure browser environment
- Bubbl- Online mind mapping software. Requires flash-plugin, early version, buggy
- WebOfWeb- Seems to be an online mind mapping tool. However, I could not test it due to software problems
- T1 MindMapper- A draft of a flash-based mind mapping tool
Information Visualization@infoviz
- Infosthetics>http://www.infosthetics.com/ - One of the best (and regularly updated) collections of innovative applications related to Info Viz and Design.
- Visual Explorer